Bejn Linja u Oħra

Bejn Linja u Oħra – a celebration of Maltese language, will be held on Saturday 12th June, at Pjazza Teatru Rjal, Valletta, at 9pm.

This is a spectacular evening that brings to life the spirit of Valletta through image, rhythm, action, and wonderful verse.

The script takes the audience on a metaphorical journey around Valletta. The production has been created by Norbert Bugeja, Ray Calleja and Albert Marshall who make up the artistic team. The script, which includes verses by more than 30 poets including Dun Karm, Achille Mizzi, Maria Grech Ganado, Mario Azzopardi, Oliver Friggieri, Immanuel Mifsud and Walid Nabhan, has been compiled by Norbert Bugeja. The text is mostly in Maltese, but also includes some verses in French and English.

Actors include Charlotte Grech, Lee-N Abela, Marceline Galea, Vanessa Aquilina, Paul Portelli, Patrick Tanti, Stephen Mintoff and Karl Cassar. The music element is led by Daniel Cauchi.

This performance was originally intended as a walk around the city and was re-adapted for the theatre to conform with regulations to combat the spread of Covid-19. Staging has undergone several adaptations and is in the hands of actor, presenter and director, Ray Calleja. The performance incorporates the diverse voices and perspectives of Valletta and its people over time, with particular reference to the social, historical, and emotional aspects of what makes the city what it is.

This is a story of grief and sorrow, an adventure in the heart of a bustling city. Sometimes it soars with joy, or fades into the darkness where the Caravaggio has disappeared. If you walk with it step by step, you will be able to talk to it in a timeless way. Bejn Linja u Oħra is a sensory experience that invites you to look at the poetry between a verse and another and towards the city, between one street and the other. Listen to its voices as they are brought to life through verse and movement. Cross the bridges, and wander through its streets and stairs. Take a look at the beauty of the Grand Harbor as you meditate on words that remind you of the charm of the city – her dreams, her sounds, and her desires.

We invite you to an evening where you join us in its hidden corners …